Monday, July 7, 2008

7 July 2008

Saturday: (Sir Stamford Raffles died 1 day before his 45th birthday)
Shirin went to the Esplanade for some performance after tuition, so my parents and I went to Suntec Convention Centre and Marina Square for shopping/ viewing of exhibitions/ dinner. Fetched Shirin at 9.30pm+ and went home. 很多收获! :D

Sunday: (my 15th birthday, Youth Day and coincidentally Sir Stamford Raffles' Birthday)
Breakfast-cum-lunch (brunch) at 幸福饮茶 (Fortunate Restaurant). The Dim-Sum was great and I remember we went there for my 14th birthday too (but for dinner)! Birthday cake from emicakes and so on...

Monday: (Today)
School holiday because of Youth Day. Dad is on leave, well actually he has to clear his leave for working on the past two Sundays (because of the World Water Summit). Having lunch outside somewhere later. :)

Random fact: I miss my yuyuan (again). This want will continue to haunt me unless I get the satisfaction of chewing the purple yam balls! :(

Yuyuan: picture from TVBS show (HAHA)

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